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Selected Articles Published by the Research Group:

Microplastics impair extracellular enzymatic activities and organic matter cycling in oligotrophic sandy marine sediments

2024, Science of the Total Environment (Open Access)

Marine macro‑litter mass outweighs biomass in trawl catches along abyssal seafloors of Sardinia channel (Italy)

2024, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Open Access)

What, where, and when: Spatial-temporal distribution of macro-litter on the seafloor of the western and central Mediterranean sea

2024, Environmental Pollution

Long-term sublethal exposure to polyethylene and tire wear particles: Effects on risk-taking behaviour in invasive and native fish

2024, Science of the Total Environment

The quest for seafloor macrolitter: a critical review of background knowledge, current methods and future prospects

2022, Environmental Research Letters

Benthic Crustacean Digestion Can Modulatethe Environmental Fate of Microplastics in the Deep Sea 

2020, Environmental Science & technology (Open Access)

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